Hellscream Raiders was founded less than 2 months after launch in 2004 on the Azgalor server. The guild reformed on Faerlina for the launch of Classic WoW. A consistent core has played together since then while making new friends along the way. We were the highest performing casual guild in Classic WoW. Lead then by a keyboard turning undead warrior, we raided all the way into Naxx without requiring world buffs! We have continued into TBC with a new GM and a slightly less casual take on raiding, actually requiring consumes and PvE specs on raid day. We are excited to raid all the way through TBC and we just need your help to make it happen!
We are a friendly, inclusive environment. Neither gamer rage nor discrimination are welcome here. Our team is diverse and includes Latinos, mothers, angsty high school kids, no mic trashtypers, and even a few Canadians.